I started off looking at Information is Beautiful and didn’t find any thing that came of interest, I then had a conversation with Jaap who made me realise that I was interested in sharing.

So I decided to look in to sharing who and what do people share and who do they share it to.
shared, shar·ing, shares
a. To accord a share in (something) to another or others: shared her chocolate bar witha friend.
b. To divide and parcel out in shares; apportion: shared the estate among his heirs.
a. To participate in, use, enjoy, or experience jointly or in turns: share a responsibility;share a room.
b. To hold or have jointly with another or others: She shares my view about the election.
3. To relate (a secret or experience, for example) to another or others.
4. Computers To make (a digital file) accessible to other users on a network, as for copying and downloading.
-the free dictionary (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/share)
When researching I found that people share to make them feel better about themselves, it may them feel good about what they have done by helping another person weather it was sharing a piece of chocolate or giving some one a blanket to keep warm.
When sharing there is an emotional attachment to this doing, there will always be a reason to share people may share for self satisfaction or to help others in need and you can give.

I then saw a film called One Couch at a time, which is based on a stranger offering another stranger to sleep on there sofa as they traveled around the world. I was amazed at how many people are willing to share to help another person out.
I started to then look at what people share over the internet, I found a survey about What People Like to Share on Social Networks.
This lead me to do my own survey, the didn’t get much response so I stuck with the survey done by GO-Gulf.
Above is a survey based on sharing on social media sites

Below are a list of social networks from Wikipedia. This is what I will be basing my work off.