DIWO stands for do it with others, it is part of free culture movement. DIWO is made up of artist and people alike who collaborate with each other. The projects that are done within DIWO have no authorship, there is no name to the projects therefore any one can re-use the project or be part of it.
Dr Lev Manovich a professor at the Graduate Centre- New York USA. Was born in Moscow he studied fine arts, architecture and computer programming, he moved to New York USA and studied experimental psychology, visual and cultural studies and the engineering of vision.
From reading about Manovichs findings about how heh form his data in a very different way to the form of bar and pie charts. Manovich made me see all data from all areas, not just artistic data but every day data in many different ways.
Information is Beautiful can also be connected to the book Knowledge is Beautiful is by David Mccandless. Known as a dat journalist and information designer, his work contains information from all around the world. Once he has gathered all the information he or a member of the team then puts it in a visual form.
The data gathered is very interesting but there is nothing of interest to me the info graphics can be interesting but feeling it could be done better.